A Sad Habit That Needs To Be Broken

Life is an adventure that needs exploration.
A Sad Habit That Needs To Be Broken
When Rocky was about 7 years old he was always sad in our home. I don’t know where else he was sad but I was obviously concerned about his constant sadness when he was with us. It occurred to me one day, after many approaches of trying to make him happy that Rocky was in a bad habit. He had been sad for so long that he did not even know why he was sad. So I did what, possibly, no other mother would do. I, lovingly, put Rocky in a time out. I told him that he was very loved and he needed to go to his room and when he could find some happiness he could come out and be with the family.
Rocky was out of his room within 10 minutes, at the most. This sadness was no longer attached to him because I do not know why. It just was not. Our lives started to fill with more truth and love because he threw out the habit of sadness and became himself.
This is Rocky imitating who is was 10 years ago and who he is now. He contributed to these pictures because he remembers that day fondly and we have a blast together. I Love you Rocky! Love, Mom
Best Wishes to All – Ivy L.
Please send your unusual approaches that made life better for your family. And SHARE, if you think someone else has more ideas or they may like this article.
This post is a quick version of a real life experience
It seems that everyone has limited time while the the thirst for spirited information is enormous. Hence, we are in the age of images, few sentences and quick videos as our fingers are in a tactical position ready to swipe, push or text. So, how do I expect anyone to read a 500 to a 1000 word blog when I myself live in the same environment ready to move from one piece of information to another expecting to be entertained as a break in a furious paced life? I have decided to risk detailed context for abbreviated versions of real life experiences. I always welcome comments and questions.
I remember those days and I appreciated your approach at the time. I love the second picture of Rocky he radiates happiness.
So happy you are a part of it.
We love you too Rocky! Such a nice boy!
I like the happy Rocky a lot more. Thank you for sharing.